Even in Disaster, Lumos LSX Solar Modules Shine at Western Disposal HQ Colorado’s Largest Solar Awning Supports Clean-Up following Floods
Completed before the epic Colorado floods, Western Disposal’s 198kW PV solar awning
is a solar milestone as Colorado’s largest solar awning. The awning stands over 30 ft
tall and has been built to shade Western’s large natural gas fueling station.
The durability of the system was tested to its fullest when Colorado was hit by
unprecedented rains that caused massive flooding in the state. “The waters from the
nearby flooded pond reached the array’s closest columns and 3 days of constant rain
and wind tested the workmanship of the Lumos LSX Module System in an environment
unmatched in any laboratory. There was no damage to the modules and they continue
to generate energy to support Western Disposal’s recovery efforts,” says Scott Franklin,
CEO of Lumos Solar.
Following the devastation of the floods, Western Disposal called ‘all hands on deck’ to
meet the increasing needs of the local community during the clean up. The trucks and
the facility are running at full capacity to bring normalcy to the shaken community as
quickly as possible. “Western Disposal is a part of this community. It is important that
we help bring things back to normal. The power generated by the Lumos LSX modules
is helping us do this,” comments Frank Bruno, President of Western Disposal.
The entire project was designed, constructed and supplied by Boulder, CO based
businesses: Lighthouse Solar completed the solar system installation; Lumos Solar
supplied the unique frameless LSX solar modules that created the solar awning; and the
steel support structure and foundations were built by Wyatt construction.
Watch the time lapse build of the Western Disposal Awning on YouTube: