Solar Panels – News Front

Here is a quick compendium of what is going on in the panels arena of late. Much is going on to develop new technologies that are more efficient, cheaper, and lighter weight. (Just imagine when they can cover the roof of every warehouse building and shopping center!)

Solar Promoters Push Recycling as Path to ‘Double Green’ – Green …

There is still about a decade to go before large numbers of cells lose their effectiveness. But the industry in Europe is not taking any chances with its reputation as a clean business – and has pledged to collect and …

Greentech Media | All-in-One Solar Panels and Solar Thermal

Ewing, N.J.-based Entech Solar – the product of a merger between struggling solar installer WorldWide Water and Solar Technologies and Entech – has devised a solar unit that contains silicon photovoltaic cells, which can convert …

Stanford University tests solar power water heater on dorms

Solar has finally hit the college scene. Stanford University, located in silicon valley, , is currently experimenting with solar panels on campus as a renewable source. Universities use a huge amount of energy on …

Daily Options Report: Trade Followup: Solar Edition

Trade Followup: Solar Edition. Mentioned last week I put on twin backspreads in FSLR. I did both sides 2:1, so as the stock moves away from 150 (where I put it on) I start to generate positive gamma. And it has moved a little, …

Obama Focuses on Wind, Solar Energy : The Inspired Economist

“In the process, we will put Americans to work in new jobs that pay well and can’t be outsourced – jobs building solar panels and turbines; constructing fuel-efficient cars and buildings; and developing the new energy technologies …

Stanford Announces $100 Million Energy Institute – Green Inc. Blog …

The Precourt Institute for Energy will be headed by Lynn Orr, a professor of petroleum engineering who currently directs Stanford’s Global Climate and Energy Project, a research initiative that looks at ways to reduce greenhouse-gas …

Stanford Study: , solar baseload easily beat nuclear

Stanford professor Mark Jacobson argues the following (link)

Stanford study, Part 1: , solar baseload easily beat nu

Joe Romm — a climate & energy expert — provides a breakdown of an important report on the climate/energy benefits of various energy sources. Though focused on the supply side of the equation, the report is important, …

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solar panel array

Solar Could Be the Key to Protecting Homes From Power Outages

You took the plunge, invested in solar panels for your home, and are reaping the …

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