Solar Power Digest

gardens to bloom on Colorado rooftop, farm field and parking lot
Denver Post
Where do you plant a garden? In Colorado they’ll be found on the roof of an old airplane hangar, on pillars hovering over a vegetable field and a school parking lot. Those are a few of the place that the first gardens – photovoltaic arrays that residents will able to buy shares in – are set to be built under a new Xcel program.

Become A Renewable Magnate
It can be hard to truly connect with the renewable revolution. Just buying wind from your local utility is very far removed from, say, having your own solar panels, and not very many people are doing solar installations yet. But what if you could own a part of a solar plant, at prices that almost anyone could afford?

Abundance Generation, a UK company, has turned to crowd funding to finance major renewable generation projects. “We wanted to create productive, tangible and long-term investment opportunities that are open to everyone,” says the company on its website. “Renewable energy is a great place to begin the process of returning control to people over where their money goes and how it is invested.”

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Minnesota wants Xcel to keep popular Solar Rewards rebate program
Pioneer Press
The Minnesota Department of Commerce is recommending that Xcel Energy keep its popular Solar Rewards rebate program instead of killing it, while also suggesting reducing the incentive level.

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