Solar power homes are popping up in many different places around the world. While some people have a large amount of money to spend on getting these systems setup, not everyone does. So if you’re wanting to generate your own green energy for either monetary or environmental reasons, how can you go about it without spending a fortune? The easiest solution is to build your own residential solar panels.
Just a couple of years ago such an idea would have seemed crazy.The notion that people would be taking control of their home energy needs by generating their own solar power electricity seemed like something reserved for hippies. The world has changed rapidly over the last few years – thanks to the likes of Al Gore people are now much more aware of the effect that their energy usage has on the environment. On top of that, energy prices have skyrocketed and the world economy is looking shaky, forcing many people to save money while they can.
If you want to build your own residential soar panels the good news is that it’s actually quite easy. By purchasing the necessary components through the internet or at local hardware stores you can get your own solar panel system constructed for $200 or less. The kind of stuff you’ll need to purchase includes :
– small solar cells
– a backing board made of wood or plastic
– wiring and batteries to store the electricity
– some DIY equipment
The process is quite simple. You affix all the solar cells to the piece of wood or plastic. You wire up all the solar cells together and with that step you have created your own solar panel. You then place the solar panel in a sunny location and wire it up so that your house can benefit from the electricity.