Solar Powered Boat

Gerard D’Aboville is an experienced navigator — he’s rowed alone across both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. He’s accustomed to monitoring the wind and the current.

But as the captain of the Turanor PlanetSolar, the world’s largest solar-powered boat, he’s had to factor in something else: the sun. And he marvels at its .

“I can feel it some days,” D’Aboville said on a recent overcast day, while the ship was docked in . “It’s a lot of .”

Even with the fog rolling in off the water, hiding the tops of Boston’s tallest buildings, the ship’s 30,000 photovoltaic cells were busy taking in the rays.

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Imagine sailing the open seas and never wanting for . Letting the sun soak into your panels and charge up the lithium ion batteries below deck. Away you go, free to roam as you see fit without needing fueling. Nice eh? Well watch the video above to see how it works.

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