Alternative Energy HQ

Solar to New Communities

Real Goods Solar Selected by Leading Production Homebuilder to Bring Solar to New Communities


Real Goods Solar

Real Goods Solar, Inc. (Nasdaq:RSOL), a nationwide leader of turnkey solar energy solutions, has been selected by a leading production homebuilder to deploy solar in certain of its new communities, beginning in California and with an eye towards broader deployment to other solar friendly states.

Home buyers in participating solar communities will enjoy the benefits of a solar system as a standard feature of their new home. Real Goods Solar will design, engineer, service and manage the installation of these residential solar systems. The systems will be designed to offset a good portion of the electrical needs of the home.

“We are excited about this important expansion of our homebuilder program that allows homeowners to benefit from the advantages of having solar electricity from day one when they move into their new homes,” said Kam Mofid, Real Goods Solar CEO. “With our management team’s deep experience in home building and solar we were able to offer an outstanding value and the best overall solution as part of the homebuilder’s efforts to broadly offer solar in new homes.”

Josh Price, vice president of residential operations for Real Goods Solar, commented: “Home builders are seeing demand strengthen across the country but buyers are often concerned about the rising electricity costs. Including solar in new homes allows home buyers to see savings in their energy costs and therefore reduce the overall cost of owning their dream home.”

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