So we still need to pay attention to and support alternative energy development and frankl;y one of those that seems to get shoved around as not being viable ofr large scale energy is wind. Well let me tell you wind is a great solution to part of our needs and we need to promote it.
Here is some of the latest info:
Lake Ontario Waterkeeper
Some wind power advocates urged council not to support the motion, saying it’s time the county embrace green energy, which will allow the province to become less dependent on polluting coal plants. “I would advise you to not to engage …
Subaru Wants Wind Power For Your Plug In Car : TreeHugger
(Photo from Nikkei Tech-On) I had a chance to talk to Subaru staff at the Eco-Products 2008 Fair in Tokyo. I have been wondering why they are not speeding up the introduction of their plug-in electric car, that has.
CrunchGear » Archive » New wind turbine for residential use to …
Japan-based housing and environmental equipment maker Nikko [JP] today said it plans to mass-produce a tiny wind turbine for home use by October next year. …
Wind Power | Cedar Ridge Wind Farm
This wind farm consists of 41 wind turbines with a maximum capacity of generating 68MW of electricity. The renewable energy sourced electricity be enough to send power to 17000 homes in the area. This is a project that has been over 12 …