Is buying energy saving lights and appliances really going help us decrease the number of generating facilities we require to provide us with the energy we need now and in the future? More: continued here
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Where Are Heating Oil Prices Headed?
Heating oil prices are increasing slowly, they are becoming more obvious as time goes by, and the prices will continue to go up and up until the fuels needed are burnt up. We need these fuels to produce heat and warmth in our homes, so where are heating oil prices headed? I will be discussing where I think that heat …
Read More »To CFL or Not to CFL?
For years I was a lighting consultant to a showroom in western Massachusetts. When I moved to Wilmington, NC, I signed on with Home Depot in the Lighting/Electrical Department. Lately, I’ve noticed, there has been much advertising and publicity regarding the use of CFL’s ([tag-tec]compact fluorescent light bulbs[/tag-tec]) as an energy-saving panacea. Granted, these little spiral-shaped bulbs have improved much …
Read More »Alternative Energy – Why do we Need it?
Why Do We Need Alternatives? To answer that question, we need to start by discussing fossil fuels-what they are, where they come from, how they are used and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Within this context, the pressing need for alternatives becomes quite clear. What are fossil fuels? Most fossil fuels are formed from the remains of long-dead creatures …
Read More »Can Poo Save The Planet ?
Tesla’s Big Idea was to start with an electric car that appeals to the id, not the superego. From the start, Mr. Eberhard says he wanted a car that could outrun a Porsche in a 0-60 trial, and would go 250 miles on a charge. … More: continued here
Read More »What Are Alternative Fuels And How Do They Effect Our Enviroment?
Right now in the United States, there is a huge push for people to use alternative fuels as opposed to gasoline. There are many reasons for this push. Generally, it's because alternative fuels are kinder to the environment and can help to combat the ever-growing problem of global warming.
Read More »When Do We Say Something is Energy Efficient?
Something is energy efficient if it uses energy efficiently. It can be used to refer to energy conversion efficiency which refers to the proportion between the amount of input of energy used in the system compared to the useful output. Useful output can mean either heat, mechanical power, or electrical power More: continued here
Read More »Energy Crisis or Political Profiteering?
This article is an energy review and update, as well as a critique of US and Western energy policies, or a lack thereof. This is not about Eastern energy policies because they will follow our political and market leads in dealing with a necessary and long overdue shift out of the archaic energy infrastructures that have been perpetuated for corporate …
Read More »Ethanol scam?
There is a good article in Rolling Stone about [tag]ethanol[/tag]. They examine the whole ethanol policy and agribusiness connections with our politicians. I think it is a good read. The great danger of confronting peak oil and [tag]global warming[/tag] isn’t that we will sit on our collective asses and do nothing while civilization collapses, but that we will plunge after …
Read More »What Are The Variations of Alternative Fuels?
There are several variations of alternative fuels and several classifications depending on your exact definition. Let’s take a closer look. A fuel is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as a substance that is used to produce heat or energy by burning and also a substance from which energy can be liberated such as in a nuclear reaction. When you are …
Read More »Do You Have Lights?
A description of life in Ghana and how people adapt to a situation during the load shedding and powercuts due to the failure of the Akosombo Dam, the largest powers source, to produce power. This has been going on from November 2006 until today. We see no end to this. I was in Ghana and one of things I experienced …
Read More »Is It Possible To Reduce Utility Costs With Home Solar Panels?
Are you feeling the pinch of rising utility costs with no end in sight? Is it really possible to power my home with solar power? Yes, it is possible and many people are doing it right now. Learn how home solar power panels will help protect you from rising utility rates and even allow you to ‘sell’ excess electricity back …
Read More »Can you survive Global Warming?
Maybe we should all be reading this new bookor at least hose of us who are not up to speed on things. I fyou are already Global Warming aware then perhaps you can add to the discussion. “The Live Earth Global Warming Survival Handbook: 77 Essential Skills To Stop Climate Change” is now available and looks to be a very …
Read More »What Are Hybrid Vehicles Anyway?
Hybrid vehicles are a cross between traditional fuel-powered vehicles and electric vehicles. Combining an electric motor, a battery pack, as well as an internal combustion engine, these components work together to deliver power to a hybrids wheels. Common technologies include idle stop which allows the engine to automatically shut off and restart while the electric motor take’s over to prevent …
Read More »What’s Actually In Biodiesel?
Rising prices of energy fuels have prompted companies and individuals to search for low-cost sources of fuels for their machines and automobiles. One of the most popular alternative fuel is biodiesel, a fuel derived from vegetable and animal fats. More: continued here
Read More »Are Oil And Gas Prices Headed Higher?
When you combine the effects of a mild winter with a lack of supply disruptions overseas, we should have seen a solid build in energy inventories over the last 8 months. But we didn’t and that should be alarming! More: continued here
Read More »How Can Biodiesel Fuel Save You Money?
With the price of traditional petroleum-based fuels sky-rocketing, more and more people are turning to biodiesel as a fuel source for their diesel engines. Biodiesel is a replacement fuel that is manufactured from vegetable oils (including soy, corn and canola oils), cooking oils or animal fats. More: continued here
Read More »How Important is Our Possible Independence From Foreign Oil?
According to recent data gathered up by the U.S. Department of Energy, we consume an unprecedented 2.5 million barrels of oil a day from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). How much of the global fuel supply does this mind-shattering statistic account for? More: continued here
Read More »Are Natural Gas Vehicles Safe?
Natural gas is an environmentally clean, plentiful, low-cost, domestically-produced fuel for motor vehicles. But is it a safe fuel? More: continued here
Read More »Alternative Energy – Is the Future of Energy Green?
While the amount of new technologies and infrastructures that need to be developed and built is staggering, corporation after corporation is springing up around the world, helped by various governments’ tax breaks and rebate incentives, to drive forward the alternative energy mission. More: continued here
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