solar energy' alt='solar energy' /> Tim Phelan asked: Solar energy has been around for quite a while and most people don’t think about it much except for the ones who are already into renewable sources of energy. Environmentalists have always loved the idea of solar energy but what has kept it from going more mainstream, being more widely used and …
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Are Electric Cars A Part Of Your Future?
Heather Colman asked: It seems that not so long ago, electric cars were a very distant possibility. However, in today’s world, electric cars are becoming extremely popular and may very well be a large part of our not so distant future. Electric cars have been produced, tried, and tested by many manufacturers and consumers are excited about the prospect. Let …
Read More »Is Solar Energy Reliable?
solar energy' alt='solar energy' /> James Bratley asked: Solar power is becoming a way of life for many people across the globe. From isolated communities to inner city suburbs, solar energy is becoming a very popular choice to better the environment. Solar energy has been in existence ever since life on our planet began. We have been using the strength …
Read More »Solar Panels On Your Toyota Prius?
Well the rumors have become news items so maybe there is truth to them now. Word had been getting around that Toyota was working on putting solar panels on the roof of the 2010 Prius that would be aimed at supplementing the power system (most likely the air conditioning system). Today the rumors hit the newsstands as media began reporting …
Read More »Where would you go if you needed help?
The biggest surprise of my adult life was when a close friend called me from a Drug Rehab Center last year. But after talking I found out what a great thing it was for him and how it was changing his life for the better. Now he was not chasing his demons anymore but getting help and making a new …
Read More »Cargo Ship Powered by A Sail?
ViroPOP has a very unique show this week. You have to check it out. A cargo ship with a sky sail, a pedal powered car, and best of all a great resource for solar panel installation for your house.
Read More »New Inconvenient Truth?
New ViroPOP video– May 2008 Al Gore is planning on making An Inconvenient Truth 2 – but not really, Crocs starts recycling and donating their “shoesâ€, Green Gorilla will entertain and educate your kids, and we check in on some Green Celebs.
Read More »Is it a solar energy breakthrough?
Watch and see what you think. [youtube pXyJrFKwjrc solar energy breakthrough]
Read More »Free Energy for All?
With technology come cords. With cords comes dependence on electricity and the utility companies that monopolize our energy supply. It has been this way since the dawn of the modern electric utility in the 1880’s. To the modern brain the concept of free energy, on a large scale, is ludicrous if not highly improbable. An Irish company called Steorn has …
Read More »How Do We Store Natural Gas?
Natural gas consumption usually rises and falls with the seasons. In the winter months, we historically have used a lot more natural gas for heating. We are trending towards using natural gas for electricity, in addition to heat. Therefore, we are using more and more natural gas year round. Spikes in the summer are becoming more common than ever now …
Read More »Are Providers Making Cheap Electricity Prices A Thing Of The Past?
[widget:ad_unit-1248729112]Gas and electricity prices have risen considerably over the past 5 years and this has lead to certain members of Parliament believe that companies are changing the way they provide energy to significantly increase prices. The market has seen a rise of 60% during the last 5 years and customers are demanding answers. Recent price increases are making finding cheap …
Read More »Nuclear Power Renaissance?
Is nuclear power on the comeback trail? Well like it or not it seems that is the case. Nations willing to take the risk to fight off the growth of global warming and to fight the high cost of conventional fuels are starting to warm up to the idea of using more nuclear energy in their power structure. China has …
Read More »Need To Understand Alternative Energy Resources?
Today’s news is filled to references to the ever smaller oil reserves. It seems that as the world population becomes more hungry for energy to power it’s hoped for better lifestyle. It is also apparent that the main source of energy for this lifestyle, oil, is going to be much more expensive to use. More: continued here
Read More »How Can SMEs Become More Energy Efficient?
The fact that one of Britain’s biggest blue chip consumers of energy is taking such steps ought to boost its national image and reduce long-term energy costs. Blue chips are not alone in experiencing pressure to reduce their carbon footprint. Increasingly, SMEs are being asked to demonstrate their own efforts in improving their own green image. More: continued here
Read More »Thinking About Building A Solar Power System?
More and more people today are now looking for alternative ways of supplying power that they need in order to run appliances and equipment in their home. For some people because of where they live setting up a solar powered system is the ideal choice. In this article, we go through a number of factors that need to be taken …
Read More »What Can Solar Energy Do For the Fountain in Your Yard?
Unlike standard garden fountains, solar fountains cost less and save energy. Because they run on free power generated by sunlight, solar fountains never need to be plugged into an electrical power source. They can be placed anywhere with access to direct sunlight. In the garden or patio area, place the fountain’s solar panel out of areas that are shaded by …
Read More »Can You Really Reduce Energy Consumption by 50 Percent?
Is it really possible to reduce energy consumption by 50% if our mentality remains the same? If we can change our mentality, is it still going to make a difference? More: continued here
Read More »Will You Be Poisoned By Rising Gas?
With gas prices set to rise by around 15% in 2008, many householders in the UK are wondering where they’re going to get the extra money from. It may be reassuring to know that you might not have to. There are alternatives. More: continued here
Read More »Is Your PC Hotter Than a Jumbo?
The IT sector in the UK has a carbon footprint as big as the airline industry. IT equipment represents the highest consumption of power for most businesses and yet the power used is rarely measured, let alone managed. Once you start to measure your output, you’ll see just how much you could be wasting. More: continued here
Read More »Is Your Gas Supplier Causing A Stink?
Many people take their gas supply for granted. It’s there, it gives you heat, you can cook with it, and that’s it. They often pay no heed to how much they’re actually using. More: continued here
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