NEW FORECAST WARNS OIL WILL RUN DRY BEFORE SUBSTITUTES ROLL OUT At the current pace of research and development, global oil will run out 90 years before replacement technologies are ready, says a new University of California, Davis, study based on stock market expectations. The forecast was published online Monday (Nov. 8) in the journal Environmental Science & Technology. It …
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What Happens If Everyone Has His Own HomeMade Energy?
Everyone knows that they can find a good alternative source of power from wind turbines, solar panels and even magnet generator. But why is it that only a few people have any of these things installed in their homes or offices? The reasons are simple. Maybe, some of them don’t have the money to buy these. Bear in mind that …
Read More »Will Yosemite Be Hotter Than Sacramento?
The report includes new local climate projections for 10 national parks in California. With what the California Climate Change Center calls “medium-high” future emissions of heat-trapping gases, the average of six climate models is for Yosemite National Park to get 7.5 degrees hotter by 2070-2099 than it was in 1961-1990. That would be enough to make the national park 0.3degrees hotter than Sacramento historically has been.
Read More »What Can an Energy Star Rating Tell You?
Energy Star is a voluntary consumer information program intended to give customers details on the comparative energy conservation of specific products. This program commenced with informational tags for computer items, although it expanded to encompass residential heating and air conditioning products, home insulation materials and kitchen appliances. Another good type to see are the Breville Juice Extractors. The federal government …
Read More »Are Oil And Gas Prices Headed Higher?
When you combine the effects of a mild winter with a lack of supply disruptions overseas, we should have seen a solid build in energy inventories over the last 8 months. But we didn’t and that should be alarming! More: continued here
Read More »How Can Biodiesel Fuel Save You Money?
With the price of traditional petroleum-based fuels sky-rocketing, more and more people are turning to biodiesel as a fuel source for their diesel engines. Biodiesel is a replacement fuel that is manufactured from vegetable oils (including soy, corn and canola oils), cooking oils or animal fats. More: continued here
Read More »How Important is Our Possible Independence From Foreign Oil?
According to recent data gathered up by the U.S. Department of Energy, we consume an unprecedented 2.5 million barrels of oil a day from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). How much of the global fuel supply does this mind-shattering statistic account for? More: continued here
Read More »Are Natural Gas Vehicles Safe?
Natural gas is an environmentally clean, plentiful, low-cost, domestically-produced fuel for motor vehicles. But is it a safe fuel? More: continued here
Read More »What is a Biodiesel Plant?
The idea of using vegetable oil as an alternate fuel source is as old as the diesel engine itself. Until recently, use of petroleum distillate to power diesel engines has been more economical than biodiesel. More: continued here
Read More »Do Fuel Cells Really Cause Global Warming?
Research has uncovered a rather interest turn of events into the Global Warming Sage. And apparently complications have arisen along with the temperatures. You see Fuel Cells generate a lot of heat during the conversion process; nearly twice that of regular reciprocating engines. Solving the Nation’s problems with regards to pollution is a wise thing to do, yet if we …
Read More »Is Nuclear Power back on the table in California?
California was one of the first states to enter the [tag-tec]nuclear power[/tag-tec] industry for energy production some 40 years ago. It was also one of the first to have huge debate over the [tag]nuclear[/tag] option which resulted in the shutdowns of several plants and a moratorium of nuclear power plant development in the state. Now there are signs that nuclear …
Read More »Are you next in line at the bio diesel filling station?
Talk about a ground swell. Bio diesel is getting noticed everywhere these days, of course it doesn't hurt to have a few famous people out trumping the cause. [the short list, sorry if I left anyone off- Willie Nelson, Daryl Hannah , Melissa Etheridge, Mandy Moore, Woody Harrelson, and more]
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