Hybrid cars are the latest additions in the race of the auto industry. A few years ago there were only a few on the roads, but today there are thousands. Hybrids will make it easier for people to be spared the cost of out of control gasoline prices. More: continued here
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Battery Technology Breakthrough? Could It Be?
A secretive Texas startup company may be on the verge of a major production breakthrough though it is hard to tell since they are not saying much. The car company that wants to build their technology into autos is talking and they are excited. Imagine a battery powered car that you could plug in for five minutes of charging and …
Read More »Greenest Host Announces Launch of Zero-Emission Web Hosting Services
Clean Technology Startup Offers 100% Green Solar-Powered Web Hosting for Business and Consumers AlwaysOn GoingGreen 2007 SAN DIEGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Greenest Host, a pioneer of green powered Internet services, today announced worldwide availability of its 100% solar powered web hosting plans. Like most web hosting companies, Greenest Host offers a suite of services that allow users to host websites, register domains, host …
Read More »Going Green Conference set for September in CA
Go Green or Go Home 2007 AlwaysOn GoingGreen 2007 Set to Create Industry Benchmark for Greentech Events AlwaysOn GoingGreen 2007 PALO ALTO, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Over seven hundred greentech professionals, venture capital and private-equity investors, and leading members of the press and blogging community will convene at University of California, CA from September 10 – 12 for the inaugural AlwaysOn GoingGreen 2007 …
Read More »Renewable Energy – An Introduction
If you think that we will run out of energy if fossil fuel is depleted, you need to read this article. [tag]Fossil fuel[/tag] is non-renewable energy, that means it will run out a day in future no matter how much it is under our earth’s crust. But nowadays we still heavily rely on fossil fuel as our major energy source. …
Read More »The New Biofuel – Old Chopsticks?
In Japan meals are consumed with chopsticks everyday. Some with fancy ones and many with disposable wooden chopsticks. Now there are people in Japan who want to turn those throw away chopsticks into the next biofuel option. We all know there is heated debate about ethanol going on right now. Making ethanol out of corn and other mass produced crops …
Read More »Hybrid Taxi Cabs
Dear EarthTalk: I visited New York City recently and could not believe the number of taxicabs on the streets. Are there any efforts to “green up†these vehicles? They must be real gas-guzzlers, considering all the idling and stop-and-go traffic they face. — Justin Grant, Berkeley, CA More: continued here
Read More »Introducing Fossil Fuels
Fossil fuels are the products of dead plants and animals that have been reduced to hydrocarbons by the pressure of the earth over millions of years. More: continued here
Read More »NRDC say plug-in hybrid cars are good idea
[tag]Hybrid cars[/tag] sales world wide continue to rise as more and more people are getting behind the idea of owning a car that saves gas. Toyota has sold over a million of their hybrid cars, moslty the Prius model. Toyota Motor Sales Inc., announced the one-millionth hybrid sale today by parent company, Toyota Motor Corporation. Of the one million hybrid …
Read More »Changing to Greener Gas and Electricity Suppliers
The following article exposes how much of a problem CO2 emissions have become in the UK. The factors that contribute to the problem have been highlighted, along with methods that can be taken to help overcome them. As the majority of the population is aware, there is no longer any reasonable doubt that the dramatic climate change the world is …
Read More »And Then There Was Light!
A painless, inexpensive effort replacing one incandescent light bulb in every American household with a compact fluorescent bulb will save an amount of greenhouse gas emissions equal to the emissions of 800,000 cars! A wide variety of fluorescent bulbs which fit almost every size, shape and variety of light fixture and applications such as floods, dimmers, 3-way and outdoor lighting …
Read More »Return to Trees for New Biofuel
Cellulosic ethanol, or “treethanol,” is a promising new energy source with the potential to mitigate high gas prices, national security concerns, and global climate change. Ethanol derived from cellulose-the complex sugar polymer that gives green plants their structure-has a smaller carbon footprint than other fuels and could be used to supplement or replace gasoline. But anything that requires cutting down …
Read More »NYC Pushing to new limits on Going Green with hybrid taxis
Just this past May, as part of a larger effort to make New York the “greenest major metropolis on the planet,†Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced an ambitious plan to switch over the city’s 13,000-vehicle taxi cab fleet from gas guzzling traditional cars to (comparatively) fuel-sipping gasoline-electric hybrids. More: continued here
Read More »Uh Oh here they go again- North Slope Oil Drilling
The feds are at it again. Instead of focusing on alternative energy source with a full tilt attitude they are still sneaking around trying to drill for oil in the north of Alaska. Check out this story I have been to the north slope of Alaska and I have walked on the land and seen it up close. It is …
Read More »Hybrid Technology in Cars
The bullet shaped Honda Insight was the first electric/gasoline powered hybrid vehicle available in the United States. This two-seater provided the best in fuel economy without compromising performance. More: continued here
Read More »Fact, Fiction, Rumour or Reality? The Scoop on Hybrids
Hybrid vehicles have caused a stir, and speculation abounds about how they work, how much they cost to buy, maintain and insure. Some of it is fact, but some of it is simply rumour. More: continued here
Read More »Hybrid Cars: Brisk Sales, More Choices
With no end in sight to turmoil in the Middle East and a flagging U.S. dollar, $3 a gallon gas looks to be a fact of life. The resulting desire for greater fuel efficiency is driving brisk sales for gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles. Check out the full listing of currently available models and those slated for roll-out very soon, as well …
Read More »Debunking Hybrid Myths
Climate change is top of mind, and hybrid cars are becoming an icon for environmental awareness among Canadian consumers. But hybrid technology has evolved quickly, and it’s still a mystery for many Canadians. More: continued here
Read More »Fuel Efficiency and Hybrids
People everywhere are scrambling around to find a solution that works for them in terms of the high gas prices all over the country. Some have traded in their gas hog SUVs, while others have tried gas additives that their makers claim are the answer to gas price prayers. More: continued here
Read More »What Are Hybrid Vehicles Anyway?
Hybrid vehicles are a cross between traditional fuel-powered vehicles and electric vehicles. Combining an electric motor, a battery pack, as well as an internal combustion engine, these components work together to deliver power to a hybrids wheels. Common technologies include idle stop which allows the engine to automatically shut off and restart while the electric motor take’s over to prevent …
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