Most often when considering the purchase of a new car the last thing that comes to mind is that it can actually be financially beneficial. In the case of buying a new hybrid car it can be a financially sound purchase. Since their beginning hybrid cars have been used as a tax credit. Luckily for hybrid owners who bought their …
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Toyota FT-HS The Supra Rides Again
Toyota’s concept car, the new FT-HS, will essentially be a hybrid sports car come to life. Many sports car enthusiasts will be excited about this car that Toyota debuted in Detroit, Michigan, earlier in 2007. Their new Toyota FT-HS will be a sports car that is also a hybrid. More: continued here
Read More »More Canadians Choosing to Drive a Hybrid
With more than 950,000 hybrid vehicles sold globally, the technology has truly become mainstream. As hybrids have evolved, Canadian drivers no longer have to choose between their environmental values or luxury, power and style. Today, hybrid cars are a practical and preferred choice for many. More: continued here
Read More »Green Goes Google – Launch of Hybrid Car Initiative and Unveils Solar Installation to fund more than $10 million to accelerate plug-in hybrid and vehicle-to-grid technology MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (June 18, 2007) —, the philanthropic arm of Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG), today announced the RechargeIT initiative ( that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and oil dependence by accelerating the adoption of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (“plug-ins”). As part of this …
Read More »Well it must be so… Going green and clean energy are now in
The news media are now on board. Time to ramp up the awareness and education for the rest of the public. Alternative energy and going green are now not fringe elements anymore. They must be applied and improved if we are to go forward in our world without polluting ourselves further. Read this from the SF Gate Everything brown is …
Read More »Alternative Energy for Vehicles
Alternative energy for vehicles has come a long way, but unfortunately we are not yet at a point where we can go without gasoline. Hybrid cars, however, are the first step to the future. More: continued here
Read More »The World Bank’s Approach to Clean Energy & Climate Change
The World Bank Group is focusing its efforts on four fronts.Helping developing countries to move to a lower carbon path by exploiting renewable energy resources, supporting energy conservation, and increasing efficiency. The share of renewable energy and energy More: continued here
Read More »New Biofuels Breakthroughs – Online Report – March 14, 2007
A new process of creating biofuels could lead to the US becoming an exporter of oil, instead of an importer, according to Purdue University Scientists, in online report released on March 14, 2007.The new process is called H2CAR for “hybrid hydrogen-carbon process.””We could use H2CAR to provide a sustainable fuel supply to meet the needs of the entire U.S. transportation …
Read More »Why Managing Our Crude Oil Supply Matters
Our modern world requires a lot of petroleum products to function. From cars to planes to massive transportation of goods and services, every day of use is a further strain on the crude oil supply available to the planet. It is imperative that we manage that supply to the best of our ability. Here are some reasons why we must …
Read More »Hydrogen the Fuel of the Future
A glimpse into the future as we seek clean enrgy to power our cars and other devices. More: continued here
Read More »Carbon Tax Versus Cap-and-Trade Approaches to Global Warming – Part 2
As you may recall from Part 1 of this article, in the cap-and-trade system many companies might get away with carbon emissions that are below the “certified limits”. And that’s a crucial point since cap-and-trade policy might bog down in implementation nightmares. Who is going to determine the “caps” on an industry by industry, and company by company basis? Wouldn’t …
Read More »Global Warming: Fight With A Bumper Sticker And Become A Member Of Terrapass
TerraPass is a company started by ivy league business graduates who wanted to make an impact on Global Warming in a big way. This is not your average Environmental Group. The company is filled with many business mavericks who wants to dedicate themselves to the environment. So what exactly is TerraPass? TerraPass is a carbon off setting program in which …
Read More »Switch to Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs Right Now!
Well, according to Energystar: “If every American home replaced just one light bulb with an ENERGY STAR [compact fluorescent bulb], we would save enough energy to light more than 2.5 million homes for a year and prevent greenhouse gasses equivalent to the emissions of nearly 800,000 cars.” More: continued here
Read More »There Is Such A Thing As A Free Gas Fire
The government is on a mission to improve the UK’s energy security and reduce carbon emissions. Almost 40% of the UK’s energy is used in the heating, lighting and operation of our homes. With 25 million homes in the UK, even small improvements across the market can have a significant overall impact. More: continued here
Read More »Hybrid Car Market Hyper-Hysteria
We have all heard a lot about [tag-tec]hybrid cars[/tag-tec] lately and with gasoline prices between two dollars and three dollars per gallon we are reading many articles in the newspapers, magazines and industry trade journals too, but where are all these hybrids we have been promised? There were only 12 hybrid models on the market in 2005 – 2006. It …
Read More »Hybrid Trucks – It’s About Time!
With the increasing concern about environmental issues such as pollution and global warming, as well as the unbelievable rise in the price of gasoline, it is no wonder that[tag]hybrid[/tag] vehicles are gaining popularity. Hybrid cars have been relatively common for years, with hybrid Sport Utility Vehicles in close competition, but what about hybrid trucks? We don't see those too often. Automotive manufacturing giant General Motors, however, believes that will change.
Read More »Wind Energy – Setting Sail for The Future – wind energy
Wind energy is one of the oldest forms of non-animal generated power used by human beings; in its simplest form, it's used as a sail for a sailboat. In the Renaissance, wind power was harnessed for more commercial applications by the use of wind mills to grind grain, and in the Netherlands, to run the pumps that keep the Zeuder Zee from flooding.
Read More »Do Fuel Cells Really Cause Global Warming?
Research has uncovered a rather interest turn of events into the Global Warming Sage. And apparently complications have arisen along with the temperatures. You see Fuel Cells generate a lot of heat during the conversion process; nearly twice that of regular reciprocating engines. Solving the Nation’s problems with regards to pollution is a wise thing to do, yet if we …
Read More »Solar Power Practicality for Camping
Solar power systems for camping are increasing in availability, but what about practicality? Can solar power systems for camping be put to use readily? Are they portable enough? Are they durable enough? Solar power practicality for camping must address those questions and more. Are solar power systems for camping cost effective? Do they produce enough energy for normal needs? RV …
Read More »Hybrid Car Tax Deductions – hybrid cars
Well, what is a hybrid car? A car that qualifies to beat all the pollution and treat nature as its friend. The government is also its friend. Get a relief for that car too. The hybrid car tax deduction enables owners of a hybrid vehicle – that is cars that have a gasoline-powered engine and an electric motor — its …
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