A compiling of different influential factors in western society has thrown a new word into the regular verbiage of English speakers around the world. The word itself isn’t anything new in terms of speech or meaning but we’ve all been affected by its dramatic influence on society today. “Green” is the topic at hand; the simple color that has been …
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Save The Environment And Save Money With Energy Star Products
Products carrying the Energy Star label offer many beneits to consumers and the environment. Energy Star claims that in 2009, it helped Americans save approximately $17 billion on household bills and enough energy to offset the emissions of greenhouse gases that 30,000,000 automobiles would generate. Here are beneits of Energy Star-qualiied appliances. Advantages of Energy Star-Certified Appliances Less Water Wasted …
Read More »Thinking About Solar Panels For Your Home First Decide Which Type You Want Then See Which Suppliers Offer The Best Terms After Government Grants And Electricity Buy Back Schemes
There are fundamentally just 2 key kinds of solar panel. The simpler type which just generate Solar Energy in the form of hot water, and the higher technology sort which create energy in the form of electricity. Both kinds can prove to be cost effective when they have been effectively fitted, and when one takes advantage of state grants which …
Read More »New Hybrid Car Comparison
Anton Rowd asked: Hybrid cars operate on the concept of utilizing gas and electric motors in maximizing fuel consumption and longer mileage. However, this does not mean that all the hybrid vehicles available on the market all achieve the same mileage and use up the same amount of fuel. Here is a hybrid car comparison of some vehicles from different …
Read More »The 100 Year History Of The Hybrid Car
T J Madigan asked: The history of hybrid cars is immersed in controversy. Not so much for the product itself, but for the technology it uses. Is it old like the conception of wheel itself, or is it a recent idea, as recent as the embryonic stem cell technology? First of all, a hybrid car is a vehicle that uses …
Read More »The Greenest Cities in America
The growing Green movement in America There is no set formula to determine how green a city is. A lot of different elements come into play: recycling, public transport, pollution control, sustainable building, even neighborhood and citizen empowerment programs. Maybe that’s why a new list of America’s greenest cities comes out every few months, each one different, based on the …
Read More »Making The Most Of The Free Sunlight With Solar Energy Panels Seems To Be A Good Green Scheme For Making Energy For The Home.
Having a Solar Energy Panels installation fitted is surely an environmentally supportive activity and one which should be supported as going to lower the carbon footprint by lowering CO2 emissions. Given that the Solar Energy Prices run at about ?12,000 for a typical building Solar Energy Panels installation, this can be quite an expense for a domestic customer to make. …
Read More »Japanese Quake and Tsunami 2011
Photograph from Kyodo/Reuters Today we bring you some content about the energy and power of the Earth. The horrific earthquake and tsunami which struck Japan yesterday has left a horrible scar on Japan. We mourn for the lives lost in this tragedy. I would like to encourage all to donate to help the victims of this quake. This content is …
Read More »Why You Should Think About Buying a Hybrid
It’s quite clear that the future of cars lies in hybrid vehicles. With gas prices constantly on the rise and a desire (some would say desperate need) to cut down on pollution and improve air quality, hybrid vehicles are definitely the way to go. Unfortunately, hybrid vehicles have not been completely perfected yet. Although there are some hybrid vehicles on …
Read More »Will All These Future Electric Cars Hurt the Oil Change Industry in 2010?
Lance Winslow asked: The more things change, the more they seem the same, and that is especially true with business and industry. Often we believe that things are going to change very rapidly, and new innovations are going to take over and change the world or the industry subsector that we are in. However, it usually turns out, that things …
Read More »Living Green Saves the Environment and Money
After living in the city for seven years, my husband and I decided to move out – in search of lawn, sure, but really in search of a much healthier lifestyle for our family. We got our lawn (organic fertilizer only, and thus, tons of weeds, but they’re green!) on a two-acre parcel that’s mostly wooded. That first night in …
Read More »Wind Power Generator Facts
Erick Juanich asked: What is wind power? Wind power is the result of the air movement caused by the uneven heating of the earth’s surface, this uneven heating in the earth’s surface creates the wind cycle, and there are two patterns in the wind cycle the day and the night cycle. Harness the power of nature for the benefit of …
Read More »EV Charging Stations Open In Chicago
DBT, the No. 1 charging station manufacturer in Europe, opened a new U.S. subsidiary in Chicago this January: DBT USA. With more than 6,000 units installed in more than 20 countries to date, DBT is the world’s leading provider of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. DBT USA business operations are already underway in Chicago, and U.S. assembly operations are planned …
Read More »Hybrid Car Batteries
Gellert Varga asked: There are hundreds of thousand hybrid cars on the roads in the U.S. In addition, more and more hybrid cars are being sold and the dealerships of these fuel efficient vehicles are celebrating the record sales. But several environmentalists this might lead to a problem. They are afraid that the hybrid outbreak might turn into nickel hydride …
Read More »Future of Alternative Energy May Rely on Battery Costs
There is so much happening in the technology of new energy sources these days but connecti8ng them all together to function is a key element that is being researched these days. This excerpt from research being done in the Northwest is one example. Another is a big wind project slated for development down in Australia has gotten derailed because the …
Read More »Environmentally Friendly Eyewear
A little different take on Green and alternative energy today as we host guest post from Sara dealing with eco-friendly eyewear. A nice shout out to Sara for contributing today. The reasons for individuals and companies alike to adopt mindful and environmentally friendly behaviors are compelling. Increasingly, businesses are joining the cause to promote best practices that support and protect …
Read More »Are Solar Energy Panels Correct For All Domestic Premises, And Can They Be Updated For Less Than Model Conditions?
Solar Energy Panels can be a worthy green selection to any eco warrior that feels the need to reduce their carbon footprint. Solar Energy Panels use photovoltaic cells to convert the freely available sunlight into electricity, but as this is served up in direct current (dc) form it must be inverted into alternating current (ac) for use by domestic devices. …
ethanol heater reviews One way to significantly lower your heating costs is to heat the room you are using rather than the complete house The best way to heat the or room you are using is by using a space heater Most space heaters draw power from electricity Electrical space heaters are very energy efficient Although using electric to heat …
Read More »Alternate Energy Field to Save Mother Nature
The demand for oil products is on the rise and the countries are forced to produce more crude oil barrels to be supplied to the world market. It is a non-renewable resource and the humans are exerting over pressure on Mother Nature. It is very dangerous to exhaust a resource that cannot be regained in the short run. It is …
Read More »Electric Cars Today (Part 1)
Peter Griffiths asked: An electric car is, quite simply, an automobile that is powered by electricity. An electric car has an electric motor and a controller for energising the motor. The energy is stored in its rechargeable batteries, which are re-energized by household electricity. That the electric car is 170 years old may sound surprising, but electric cars predate automobiles …
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