Muna wa Wanjiru asked: The National Biodiesel board, or the NBB as it is widely known, is the trade association that represents the Biodiesel industry as the body that coordinates the research and development of the industry in the US. During the early 1990s, the state commodity groups were giving the financial support to the research and development series for …
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Proper Processing of Biodiesel
roosterbob asked: The rising cost of fuel around the world gives way to exploration of alternative fuels which are more cost effective and environment friendly. Re-usable wastes are a great source of fuel to help us power our vehicles that bring us to everyday places. Biodiesel is a popular option in place of commercial petroleum. Biodiesel was specifically designed to …
Read More »This is the Reason Why Biodiesel Fuels are so Economical
Muna wa Wanjiru asked: Biodiesel is known as an alternative fuel for burning. Biodiesel fuel comes from 100% renewable resources. Biodiesel can be used in vehicle, while mixing it with petroleum to produce biodiesel blend. Biodiesel is biodegradable. Biodiesel fuel produces about 60% less net lifecycle carbon dioxide emission, as compare to it is itself produced from atmospheric carbon dioxide. …
Read More »UK Boat Owners on the Look-out for Biodiesel
Keith McGregor asked: As November 1st 2008 approaches and the end to UK Red Diesel derogation, yacht owners are sharing an interest in alternative fuels one being Biodiesel. What are the benefits for boat owners and who will supply it? Biodiesel refers to a non-petroleum-based diesel fuel made vegetable oils or animal fats. There are many advantages of marine biodiesel …
Read More »Biodiesel and Its Impact on the Environment
Matt Oconnor asked: Biodiesel has been getting its share of interest among people in the search for alternative fuels. The cost of oils has been steadily going up in the worldwide market and many think it is time to find alternative sources to tone down in some way the rising costs of using gas and other petroleum-derived fuels. One of …
Read More »Why You Should Have Your Own Biodiesel Kit
Matt Oconnor asked: If you are looking for a way to save on your fuel costs, it’s time for you to take a look at the different fuel alternatives available for you. Petroleum prices have been steadily growing with oil getting more expensive in the world market. Before you find yourself worrying about the rising prices, it’s very welcome news …
Read More »Making Biodiesel at Your Home – Made Easy
Jason Myers asked: What is Biodiesel? The term Biodiesel refers to a fuel type derived from natural resources, for example straight vegetable oil – which if often called SVO -, waste vegetable oil (WVO for short) and animal fats (tallow). It can be used in regular diesel type vehicles without any modification. It’s a common misconception that you have to …
Read More »Solvents Used in the Production of Biodiesel
Muna wa Wanjiru asked: What is a Biodiesel? Biodiesel can be differentiated from the waste vegetable oils (WVO) or from the straight vegetable oils (SVO) which are used as fuels in some diesel vehicles. Biodiesel is a diesel that is equivalent to the processed fuel which results from the biological sources such as vegetable oils that can be used in …
Read More »Mcdonalds UK Shows Mother-nature Love With Biodiesel for Its Delivery Vans
Rain Stockton asked: In the old days it used to be that you just drove your Nissan Sentra and perhaps its brand new Nissan Sentra parts over to McDonalds to get some of those yummy French fries and Mcburgers. Now can you imagine getting your car fueled in McDonalds? How about a fuel pump sticking out the drive thru window …
Read More »Making Biodiesel at Home Could be as Easy as This
Muna wa Wanjiru asked: Biodiesel is a fuel or a type of diesel that is prepared from the degradation or processing of biodegradable material as substances. Biodiesel is a fuel that burns more efficiently than any other fuel and also burns more cleanly. The clean burning of the fuel also results in the low emission of harmful gasses, i.e. we …
Read More »Biodiesel And It’s Many Uses
Mike Boyd asked: With gas prices increasing and growing environmental awareness, the need to consider alternate energy and fuel sources are becoming a necessity. One alternative is the use of Biodiesel fuel, which is becoming more and more popular today. Because Biodiesel is a cleaner-burning diesel fuel, made from 100% natural, 100% renewable vegetable sources, its uses in today’s society …
Read More »Save Money with a Biodiesel Kit
Andrew Bicknell asked: With the rising gas prices of today many people have begun to look for an alternative way to put fuel in their cars. A biodiesel kit fits the bill for many people who have started making this oil saving fuel in their own backyards. And why not make your own fuel, the hit to wallets and bank …
Read More »Beating the High Price of Gasoline with Biodiesel
Joseph Then asked: With the price of traditional fuel rising faster everyday, people everywhere are looking for alternatives. Electric cars were once touted as the way to save the environment and beat the cost of gasoline, but they are so expensive that very few people can afford to save money by purchasing one. Alternative fuels have long been discussed as …
Read More »Biodiesel, the New Energy Revolution
Jerry Cahill asked: Fuels are the energy-boosters for vehicles. Without it no automobile can run on the road. But these fuels have always been a major factor in pollution problem. That is why alternative fuels or eco-friendly fuels have been discovered. Biodiesel is one of them. It is equivalent to diesel, which is derived from biological sources. It is a …
Read More »Reduce Your Gas Bill With Alternative Fuel Cars
Alternative fuel vehicles are making their mark! Otherwise known as hybrids, they combine the best of both worlds with respect to electrical and internal combustion engine models. Their function is not to be confused with rocket science either! Simply put, if they are not recharging off the battery, they are drawing energy from it. It’s inevitable that these new types …
Read More »Biodiesel Extend The Life Of Your Diesel Engine
Terry Z. Voster asked: Biodiesel can extend the life of your engine whether it is in your diesel equipped auto, truck, tractor, bus or highway rig. Biodiesel can increase the longevity of your engine by up to 100 %. Costs are reduced – whether it be for maintenance or vehicle replacement. The engine last longer , breaks down less frequently …
Read More »Biodiesel Car Is The New Way To Drive
Simon Oldmann asked: In todays society, Researchers in the United States and around the world are searching for ways to develop alternate forms of fuel. With the ever-rising fuel costs, developing alternate energy is a priority. Bio diesel was developed to combat the high gas and oil prices. It is especially made for use in bio diesel cars and trucks. …
Read More »The Various Advantages of Producing Algae Biodiesel
Muna wa Wanjiru asked: Algae is a major renewable fuel which can be used to manufacture Biodiesel. One of the companies in New Zealand successfully developed a system for using sewage waste as a substrate for algae and then it produce bio-diesel. An alga is considered as the highest yield feedstock for biodiesel that can produce more enough oil compared …
Read More »How Biodiesel Processors Can Can Save your Money
Muna wa Wanjiru asked: A biodiesel processor is a combination of a reaction vessel and a still for producing biodiesel from vegetable oil. What is biodiesel? Biodiesel can be distinguished from the straight vegetable oils (SVO) or the waste vegetable oils (WVO) which are used as fuels in some diesel vehicles. Biodiesel refers to a diesel which is equivalent to …
Read More »Diesel From Fungus? Could This Rock The Oil Industry?
Deep in the jungles of Patagonia Gary Strobel of Montana St University has found a fungus which produces a type of diesel which could hold great promise for the world of fuel devlopement. By synthesizing plant material to the later stage diesel product it essentially skips the chemical intenisves stages of diesel production. It could be a fascinating find for …
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