As fossil fuels diminish, energy costs are going to soar until we have a scalable and viable alternative energy source. Until then, making sure we use as little energy as possible directly saves us money with our fuel bills. So in the interest of saving energy, here are a collection of gadgets for your home that are designed to reduce …
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Hybrid Electric Car: A Promising Technology for a Promising Future for the Environment
Hilal Abdelwali asked: A hybrid-electric vehicle, or HEV, combines an electrical energy storage system with an occupied means of generating electrical energy, usually through the consumption of some type of fuel. Each type of HEV has its own operating quality and chosen design practices, as well as advantages and disadvantages. The development of interior ignition engine vehicles, especially in automobiles, …
Read More »Electric Cars: are They in your Future?
Floyd Dorrance asked: Hybrid Electric Car: A Promising Future for the Environment When you think about “hybrid car”, what do you think of first? Which aspects of “hybrid car” are important, which are essential, and which ones can you take or leave? You be the judge. A hybrid-electric vehicle, or HEV, combines an electrical energy storage system with an occupied …
Read More »Solar House – making passive solar work – a real example
There is lots of talk about making our homes more energy efficient and adding solar to existing structures. Well John Kosmer discovered that this was not the way to go and to prove it he built his own house using passive solar to prove it. Nice work john. We need good examples to look up to in this day and …
Read More »Wind Farms – debating their implementation
According to the Energy Saving Trust, the UK has 40% of Europes total wind energy. But its still largely untapped and only 0.5% the UKs electricity requirements are currently generated by wind power. [tag]Wind power[/tag] is proportional to the cube of the winds speed, so relatively minor increases in speed result in large changes in potential output. Individual turbines vary …
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