The prudent use of passive solar energy can result in significant savings on your monthly power bill. Use our tips to direct the sun where you want it to be. More: continued here
Read More »Tag Archives: energy
Need To Understand Alternative Energy Resources?
Today’s news is filled to references to the ever smaller oil reserves. It seems that as the world population becomes more hungry for energy to power it’s hoped for better lifestyle. It is also apparent that the main source of energy for this lifestyle, oil, is going to be much more expensive to use. More: continued here
Read More »Why Cultures Clash – Corn Provides Insight Into Ethanol
This article takes a look at the different ways people view a news event based on the impact of their culture. Using ethanol and corn as a basis for awareness, the article provokes our thoughts as to why cultures clash.
Read More »Why Doesn’t the Housing Industry Use Solar Panels When Building Homes?
A prominent Southern California Realtor has asked that her congress person tell her why the Housing Industry during the last run-up did not put in more solar? So, the Online Think Tank decided to answer her direct question: Why doesn't the housing industry use solar panels when building a home? This was a huge topic in "Building Industry News" magazine for a good nine months at the top of the bubble.
Read More »Will People Lose Their Jobs if We Switch to Using More Alternative Energies?
Everyone knows we need to clean the air and move towards alternative energy. One very well-known realtor in sunny Southern California asks a very tough question with regards to alternative energy; Do you know how many people would be out of jobs or how much tax revenue would be lost if we didn’t have to pay the electric company or …
Read More »Predicting Oil Prices – The Shortage Is In The Facts
Any numbers of energy experts-in Wall Street, in specialist trading outfits and in government bureaus throughout the world-have concluded that, since demand for oil will continue to outstrip supply, crude prices will remain on a firm-to-higher path in the foreseeable future. The problem is that hardly any statistical formulation is based on audited or established facts. More: continued here
Read More »Solar Energy Panels – An Overview of a Solar Energy Panel
When planning on converting your home to run on solar energy, either on or off grid, you will need to know some of the basics. In this article you will get a general idea of how solar energy panels work and how to plan their placement in regard to shading and orientation. More: continued here
Read More »Green Energy Revolution – Energy Saving Devices
World today is experiencing energy revolution. Environmental issues are catching up and with the increased emphasis placed on preserving the environment we all need to play our roles in saving energy. By saving energy, we can definitely take a positive step in fighting the climate change and in preserving non-renewable sources of energy. More: continued here
Read More »Chinese Reserves
As China’s population grows exponentially in the new millennia, the energy needs of the country grow as well. With an enormous population of 1.3 billion people, the People’s Republic is the world’s most populous country and the second largest petroleum consumer behind the United States. More: continued here
Read More »Money Saving Tips For Your Home
To fight high energy bills, I use a multiple prong approach throughout my house. Since any one of these methods can offer energy savings, I prefer to combine and use them as much as possible to maximize my savings. The following is my list of energy saving tips, in order from easiest to implement to most difficult. More: continued here
Read More »How Can SMEs Become More Energy Efficient?
The fact that one of Britain’s biggest blue chip consumers of energy is taking such steps ought to boost its national image and reduce long-term energy costs. Blue chips are not alone in experiencing pressure to reduce their carbon footprint. Increasingly, SMEs are being asked to demonstrate their own efforts in improving their own green image. More: continued here
Read More »Thinking About Building A Solar Power System?
More and more people today are now looking for alternative ways of supplying power that they need in order to run appliances and equipment in their home. For some people because of where they live setting up a solar powered system is the ideal choice. In this article, we go through a number of factors that need to be taken …
Read More »What Can Solar Energy Do For the Fountain in Your Yard?
Unlike standard garden fountains, solar fountains cost less and save energy. Because they run on free power generated by sunlight, solar fountains never need to be plugged into an electrical power source. They can be placed anywhere with access to direct sunlight. In the garden or patio area, place the fountain’s solar panel out of areas that are shaded by …
Read More »The Answer Is In The Sun
A massive amount of solar power is delivered daily to the Earth in the form of sunrays, which provides energy for all forms of life on Earth, influences the ocean’s currents, the wind and prevailing atmospheric conditions. The solar power that is needed to perform these tasks represents only a fraction of the daily quota of available energy, the remainder …
Read More »Heating Your Home With Solar Energy
Solar energy is power that is drawn from the sun’s rays. There are many uses for this power source such as, heating, producing electricity and lighting, as well as powering household appliances and experimental motor vehicles. Converting a household’s energy needs over to sun driven applications is a great way to help control global warming, as well as reduce power …
Read More »The Benefits Of Solar Power
Natural power from the sun has been with us for thousands of years. The earliest civilizations relied on it as a sole means of light and heating. Today the world has the technology to harness the sun’s rays and transform them into solar energy that can either be stored or put to immediate use. Furthermore, sunlight is readily available and …
Read More »10 Reasons to Use Home Built Wind Power
Wind power is one free source of energy in our battle to be free of foreign oil. When there is no sun you will usually have wind and this keeps your system going and charging. More: continued here
Read More »Solar Energy – The Basics
The price for gasoline is expected to rise to $8.00 a gallon within 4 years. All other energy costs will rise with it. What we need to use is natural energy. More: continued here
Read More »Senate Passes Energy Bill
New fuel standards bill gets passed in Senate but not without some compromise on other key items leaving Democrats with only a mild victory. The Senate took a huge step toward passage of the biggest increase in fuel economy standards for cars and trucks in three decades – but it came at a major cost for Democrats. Backers of tougher …
Read More »Residential Solar Power Systems Can Save The Earth While Saving You Money
Everyone should worry about the next generations having a clean safe earth to live on with plentiful energy. As we become more aware that new ways to heat and power our homes are needed because the potential for future generations to run out of the fuels we currently rely on is a real possibility. Although many people worry about this …
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