Tag Archives: solar panel reflectors

Solar Panels – the ins and outs

Currently, the use of solar panels is on very small scale compared to the use of fossil fuels. This does not go for just solar energy, but also wind energy, geothermal, and tidal. The use of renewable electricity only makes up for a small percentage of a nations actual power output. There are however, some countries who are able to …

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What to look for in Solar Lights – solar cells

Solar lights work by charging rechargeable battery cells to power the light during the night. The main two types are NiCad (nickel cadmium) and Ni-MH (nickel metal hydride). The old chemistry for battery cells is Nicad which suffers from ‘memory effect’ and is bad news for any solar application. With Nicad technology the cell must be run flat before recharging, …

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