One form of alternative energy you can use in cooling your home is geothermal energy. This might sound surprising, but you can use the energy found in your own backyard by utilizing geothermal heat pumps. You can save up to 70% on cooling bills. The bad news is that professionally installed geothermal systems are too expensive. The good news is …
Read More »Tag Archives: Solar Power
Solar Pool Heaters
There are several solar pool heater kits available in the market these days. They cost between $3,000 to $4,000 for the materials and labor. In terms of recouping your initial investment, you could probably get your money’s worth in energy savings, within two to seven years. This all depends on the fuel costs in your area. Solar pool heaters are …
Read More »Cooling the Home with the Sun
The best way to cool your home is to avoid using heat. But if can’t completely avoid the use of heat, and you certainly can’t prevent the heat which comes from the sun. Wind and solar cooling are among your options. Solar heat can actually help cool your home. When a solar cooling system is set up properly, then the …
Read More »What are Solar Pool Heaters?
Solar Pool heaters can greatly reduce your energy costs. They’re more cost effective than either gas or heat-pump swimming pool heaters. You’ll be able to save on annual operating costs once a solar pool heater system is installed. Best of all, a solar swimming pool heater can be used in most climates. The typical solar pool heater system consists of …
Read More »Why & How a Solar Power Inverter is Used
A solar power inverter forms an important part of any home solar energy system which supplies enough electricity to get you off the grid. The inverter converts direct current, which is produced by a solar panel, into alternating current. There is also a charge controller, which can use excess power to charge your system’s battery, and provide energy without any …
Read More »The Upsides and Downsides of Residential Solar Power
It is important to inform yourself about all the positive and negative aspects of residential solar power before you make a decision. A solar home can substantially reduce the need for fossil fuels and reduce your energy costs. Like with any investment into your home, you should thoroughly research the pros and cons of solar power. Why Choose Home Solar …
Read More »Solar Powered Lights for the Home & Garden
You may be wondering how solar-powered lights work. Solar lights are used after the sun has gone down. So how can they operate? First of all, understand that lighting devices which relies on solar power generally use a backup battery to operate. Solar cells are used to charge the battery during the day, and the battery powers the light during …
Read More »Do It Yourself Solar Power In Three Easy Steps
Do it yourself solar power is free energy that can be found anyplace on the planet, yet it is greatly under utilized due to many misconceptions and doubts regarding its validity and viability. Experts have attested to the reliability of the sun’s power as an energy source since many eco-friendly villages powered by the sun can be found in different …
Read More »How Does Solar Energy Work And Is It Practical?
One of the most commonly asked questions in the field of energy and electricity management is how does solar energy work. We have to realize that the sun is one of the most abundant forms of power that we could utilize, but only a small number of people are relying on it. Since the sun touches the whole planet in …
Read More »What are Photovoltaic Cells?
As the world advances, new technologies arise – or, in some cases, older technologies are exhumed and improved upon. Although most people are under the impression that the field of photovoltaics is a new subject, based on recent invention, this is not actually the case. But first of all lets take a look at what “photovoltaic” means. The word “photovoltaics” …
Read More »Advantages And Disadvantages Of Solar Power
Every day, households around the world are using up the planet’s resources for energy. If this continues, these energy sources will be depleted quickly -unless alternative renewable energy sources are utilized. One of the energy sources that modern technology has recently put to good use is solar energy. Solar energy isn’t anything new, but new technology advancements have placed solar …
Read More »How Can I Get Used Solar Cells?
When you look at off-the-shelf solar power systems many people are put off by the cost. You may be investigating the various solar energy systems and putting a shopping list together. After all, the whole purpose of the project is to cut costs, so you should be looking at cutting the cost of the project itself. By the far the …
Read More »Solar Home Energy System A Good Investment?
Everyone has heard of solar power and knows how it has the potential, along with other green energy sources, to save the planet from death by pollution. Everyone agrees that this is a good thing and should receive all the support it needs. People think the government should do more to encourage solar power – everyone wants a solar powered …
Read More »A Solar Roof for the Home
It has been said that the world is experiencing an energy crisis. And as oil prices go up, so do our electrical bills. One method of addressing this problem is by installing a solar roof over your home. A solar roof can become your very own home power generator. A solar roof is made out of photovoltaic materials, which replace …
Read More »Isreal Signs On For First Commercial Solar Thermal Plant
AORA (a member of the E.D.I.G. Group), a leading developer of applied ultra-high temperature concentrating solar power (CSP) technology, announced today that Israel’s Minister of National Infrastructures, Binyamin Ben Eliezer, has signed AORA's license provide solar electricity to the national grid at its solar thermal power plant at Kibbutz Samar in Israel’s southern Arava region. This is the first such license to be granted by the Israeli government to a solar-thermal technology.
Read More »Solar Power & Net Metering
One way to use solar power to save money is through the use of a practice called “Net Metering.” What is Net Metering? Net Metering is a practice where consumers “sell” energy back to the electrical companies. They do this when they have some form of renewable energy facility installed in their home and a surplus is thus created. A …
Read More »Earth 4 Energy Review DIY Solar And Wind Power
With the skyrocketing costs of electricity these days, many people are looking for ways to save on their electric bills. Solar and wind energy seems like a viable option, but the preliminary costs can be staggering. One solution that’s becoming more trendy is to make it yourself. There are numerous books that claim to teach you how to do this, …
Read More »Home Solar Power
Basic facts about home solar power systems A home solar power system has several standard components they are as follows: * PV Modules or solar panels (to turn solar energy into electricity) * A charge controller (this is an electrical device that prevents batteries from overcharging and from power running from the batteries into the solar panels). * Batteries, to …
Read More »Solar Shingles: Solar Energy for the Home
With the rapid advancement of solar power, new products are entering the market containing “integrated solar panels”. For example, solar shingles. Essentially, these are ordinary roof shingles which are made out of photovoltaic materials. They perform the same function as ordinary roof shingles, with the added capability of producing electricity. The advantage of these thin “solar panels” is that they …
Read More »Solar Panels – News Front
Here is a quick compendium of what is going on in the solar panels arena of late. Much is going on to develop new solar technologies that are more efficient, cheaper, and lighter weight. (Just imagine when they can cover the roof of every warehouse building and shopping center!) Solar Promoters Push Recycling as Path to ‘Double Green’ – Green …
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