US-China Electric Car Joint Venture to Hold Meetings at ZAP in California. More: continued here
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Can Poo Save The Planet ?
Tesla’s Big Idea was to start with an electric car that appeals to the id, not the superego. From the start, Mr. Eberhard says he wanted a car that could outrun a Porsche in a 0-60 trial, and would go 250 miles on a charge. … More: continued here
Read More »Time For A Niche Electric Car?
A tiny, one-seater electric car with a 30-mile range that is actually pretty zippy (70+ mph). It would be a practical choice for many people who have short commutes and who normally do so all alone in a car […] More: continued here
Read More »Shift Into a ‘Greener’ Gear This Year
Whether it’s a concern for the environment or the increasing cost of fuel, more and more people are seeing the hybrid vehicle as a viable option. Hybrid cars are appealing because they pair a gasoline engine with one or more electric motors to achieve higher fuel efficiency and extremely low emissions. More: continued here
Read More »Solar thermal company creating high tech plants – Ausra
The sun comes to the southwestern US reliably for so many days every year that is is like a beacon to the rising number of solar energy companies around the world. Ausra was founded in Australia a couple years ago but last year they moved to Palo Alto in order to enter the US market. Ausra builds solar thermal technology …
Read More »Energy Crisis or Political Profiteering?
This article is an energy review and update, as well as a critique of US and Western energy policies, or a lack thereof. This is not about Eastern energy policies because they will follow our political and market leads in dealing with a necessary and long overdue shift out of the archaic energy infrastructures that have been perpetuated for corporate …
Read More »How BioDiesel Is Made
The world’s demand for oil has increased in the past 50 years. This is evident as more people own and drive cars and an increase in the number of passengers hopping on airplane for business and vacation. Analysts believe this has brought the price of crude oil to almost $70 a barrel last year. Since this is a non-renewable source …
Read More »Hybrid Car Facts
Hybrid cars are cars which run on rechargeable batteries and gasoline engines, rather than just a gasoline engine. As the car uses batteries they help in reducing the fuel emissions since the car runs on batteries when you are accelerating. Here are some interesting facts about hybrid cars. More: continued here
Read More »Hybrid Cars: How Do They Work
Hybrid cars are the latest additions in the race of the auto industry. A few years ago there were only a few on the roads, but today there are thousands. Hybrids will make it easier for people to be spared the cost of out of control gasoline prices. More: continued here
Read More »The New Biofuel – Old Chopsticks?
In Japan meals are consumed with chopsticks everyday. Some with fancy ones and many with disposable wooden chopsticks. Now there are people in Japan who want to turn those throw away chopsticks into the next biofuel option. We all know there is heated debate about ethanol going on right now. Making ethanol out of corn and other mass produced crops …
Read More »Hybrid Taxi Cabs
Dear EarthTalk: I visited New York City recently and could not believe the number of taxicabs on the streets. Are there any efforts to “green up†these vehicles? They must be real gas-guzzlers, considering all the idling and stop-and-go traffic they face. — Justin Grant, Berkeley, CA More: continued here
Read More »Alternative Energy – Bio Fuels
There are several sources of alternative energy being explored today. This article explores some of those. More: continued here
Read More »NYC Pushing to new limits on Going Green with hybrid taxis
Just this past May, as part of a larger effort to make New York the “greenest major metropolis on the planet,†Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced an ambitious plan to switch over the city’s 13,000-vehicle taxi cab fleet from gas guzzling traditional cars to (comparatively) fuel-sipping gasoline-electric hybrids. More: continued here
Read More »Honda devlops solar cell technology
Honda Soltec Begins Sales of Thin Film Solar Cells TOKYO, Japan, June 12, 2007–Honda Soltec Co., Ltd., Honda’s wholly-owned solar cell subsidiary, has begun sales of thin film solar cells produced by Honda Engineering Co., Ltd., primarily in the Kanto area, Japan, through distributors which also provide solar cell installation service. Honda Engineering Thin Film Solar Cell Module The thin …
Read More »Hybrid Technology in Cars
The bullet shaped Honda Insight was the first electric/gasoline powered hybrid vehicle available in the United States. This two-seater provided the best in fuel economy without compromising performance. More: continued here
Read More »Fact, Fiction, Rumour or Reality? The Scoop on Hybrids
Hybrid vehicles have caused a stir, and speculation abounds about how they work, how much they cost to buy, maintain and insure. Some of it is fact, but some of it is simply rumour. More: continued here
Read More »Hybrid Cars: Brisk Sales, More Choices
With no end in sight to turmoil in the Middle East and a flagging U.S. dollar, $3 a gallon gas looks to be a fact of life. The resulting desire for greater fuel efficiency is driving brisk sales for gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles. Check out the full listing of currently available models and those slated for roll-out very soon, as well …
Read More »Debunking Hybrid Myths
Climate change is top of mind, and hybrid cars are becoming an icon for environmental awareness among Canadian consumers. But hybrid technology has evolved quickly, and it’s still a mystery for many Canadians. More: continued here
Read More »Fuel Efficiency and Hybrids
People everywhere are scrambling around to find a solution that works for them in terms of the high gas prices all over the country. Some have traded in their gas hog SUVs, while others have tried gas additives that their makers claim are the answer to gas price prayers. More: continued here
Read More »What Are Hybrid Vehicles Anyway?
Hybrid vehicles are a cross between traditional fuel-powered vehicles and electric vehicles. Combining an electric motor, a battery pack, as well as an internal combustion engine, these components work together to deliver power to a hybrids wheels. Common technologies include idle stop which allows the engine to automatically shut off and restart while the electric motor take’s over to prevent …
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