The Future of Renewable Energy

solar power for homesWhether you live in the UK, the , Australia or any where in the world for that matter, you will undoubtedly be seeing renewable sources popping up on your neighbour’s homes or even on commercial properties around your area. This is because the renewable industry is booming at the moment, there are companies cropping up from every where, the little old lady living down the street now has a 4 KW system on her roof and continues to boast about the feed-in-tariff she receives and local councils are building new properties with reducing solar panels built in. It seems everyone is jumping on the band wagon!

So what’s wrong with the world going green?

Nothing! This is great for the environment, great for local businesses and excellent for the everyday man who owns his own property and wants to reduce his energy bills. But if people are having solar panels installed because of the feed-in-tariffs offered by governments; especially in the UK, what will happen in 2012 when the tariffs are due to decrease? Will the reduced tariffs mean the recent boom of solar installations are about to halt? Is the boom down to the rush to get them installed before the new tariffs are released?

Well I can only predict what will happen. I believe that the recent boom is most probably down to the fact that the feed-in-tariffs are about to change and also believe we will see a drop in the number of installations around the UK in April 2012 when the tariffs are decreased. But I don’t see why! Surely the fact that having solar panels installed is going to save you money on energy bills, possibly increase the value of your home, reduce your carbon footprint, provide a secure investment and make some money on top of all this is enough!

Time will tell and I hope I am wrong, I hope there is an incline in the amount of solar installations throughout the UK. But one thing I am certain on is that the UK government should invest more in the renewable energy industry and continue to give us the incentive to switch to an eco way of living, compared to China’s investment in renewable energy the UK and Europe’s investment is pretty dismal.
What do you think? Will an estimated drop of 9p mean you won’t be going ahead with that solar installation? Or will you rush to get your solar panels installed, guaranteeing you the current feed-in tariff?
Michael Jameson, renewable energy enthusiast and current employee at solar quotes.

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