The Switch To Clean Energy Has Never Been More Important.

Slip back in time 30 years and you’ll see that the green movement was positively anti-nuclear. It seems strange that 30 years on some of the very same people are putting their hopes on nuclear to prevent global warming. It may be that we have little choice other than to go Nuclear but we have to ask the question “why aren’t we putting more emphasis on cleaner types of ?” Some governments (Denmark is a good example) have already made great strides in harnessing cleaner and safer forms of including both wind farms and systems. They have had great success so you have to ask why other countries are favoring Nuclear Power?

The old concerns about using Nuclear Power have by no means gone away. It is still an intrinsically dangerous form of and we still have no viable solution to getting rid of radioactive waste! What is keeping us from moving to other forms of ?

The general argument is that the cost of moving to cleaner forms of energy is far more costly than staying with fossil fuels. But what of those unspoken costs staying with fossil fuels or switching to nuclear power?

It is common knowledge that our current fuel resources are running out. With the demand for energy on the increase there is only one possible outcome. More price increases! On the other hand, the renewable energy provided by the water, wind and Sun is free and will be available for a very long time.

Utilizing cleaner forms of energy may not be cost effective at the moment but future developments will surely lead to greater efficiency. Take for example technology. With semiconductor technology advancing in leaps and bounds, panels are becoming ever more efficient. It wasn’t that long ago panels could only be used with any effectiveness in hotter climates. Today, we see them being used in many types of environment. Indeed, solar technology has advanced so much individuals are investing in their own DIY Solar systems. If individuals think it worth their while to plan and build their own solar energy systems then why can’t it be done on a wider scale.

The financial considerations of sticking with fossil fuel energy resources is not just limited to supply. The cost of lowering our CO2 emissions or removal of dangerous waste material is a cost that will stay with us for many years. Alternative forms of energy like Hydro, solar and wind power are all clean and pollutant free. There are no hidden costs to pass on to future generations. The cost of short term thinking is a high price to pay for the future of mankind. Let’s keep nuclear power at a distance. The Sun would be just about right.

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