Alternative Energy HQ

The Tube Solar Power Collectors: Key Aspects

We continue speaking about the tube solar power collectors.

Due to the fact that the coolant flows directly through the pipe in the reservoirs they have, there are difficulties in the installation. Each tube should be connected to the system separately in order to avoid leakage of coolant. We need also serious maintenance, because leakage or mechanical damage even of one tube stops the work of collector. The vacuum tube consists of two glass tubes: outer is made from ultra strong transparent borosilicate glass that can withstand the impact of hailstones with a diameter of 25 mm, internal one is the same but with a special selective coating (A1-M/A1) that ensures excellent heat absorption with minimal reflection. In order to avoid conductive and convective heat loss from the space the air is exhausted between the two tubes.

To maintain the vacuum barium gas absorber is used, which is exposed to high temperatures in a production environment, resulting in lower end of the vacuum tube is covered with a layer of pure barium. It absorbs CO, CO2, N2, O2, H2O and H2, which are distinguished from the tube during storage and operation, and is a clear visual indicator of the vacuum. When the vacuum disappears, barium layer transforms into white from silver. This makes it easy to determine whether a pipe works correctly.

The absorption of heat occurs in the copper heat-pipe, which is located inside the vacuum tube. Method of heat transfer from its thermal conductivity is very simple.

Copper tube is hollow and contains a patented inorganic non-toxic liquid. When heated, the liquid evaporates, and because of the vacuum created inside of a tube, it occurs even at a temperature of 25-30 ? C.

The vapor rises to the tip (that is to say condenser) heat pipe, which gives off the heat to water, which flows through the thermal conductivity. Then it condenses and flows down, and the process repeats again.

Solar collector with vacuum tubes shows excellent results on cloudy days, because the tube can absorb energy from infrared rays that pass through the clouds. With insulating properties of the vacuum influence of wind and low temperatures on their work is so insignificant in comparison to the impact on the flat solar collector. The system works successfully down to -35 ? C. Packed tubes are round, so that the amount of solar radiation reaching the collector remains fairly constant from mid morning until mid-day. This brings increasing in the total amount of absorbed solar radiation. The shape of pipes provides superior degree of absorption, since the sun’s rays always fall on its surface at a right angle, reducing the reflection to a minimum.

Pipes are laid in parallel inside the collector. The angle of inclination depends on the latitude of the place. Having been oriented from north to south, they passively follow the sun during the day.

This collector requires virtually no maintenance. Manufacturers offer the guarantee up to 25 years for similar products. The system is fully maintainable: if necessary, the pipe can be replaced, added or removed without stopping of the collector.

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