The Various Advantages of Producing Algae Biodiesel

biodieselMuna wa Wanjiru asked:

Algae is a major renewable fuel which can be used to manufacture . One of the companies in New Zealand successfully developed a system for using sewage waste as a substrate for algae and then it produce bio-. An alga is considered as the highest yield feedstock for that can produce more enough oil compared to soybeans when grew in an acre.

Actual Biomass algae produced from field trials, which is conducted during the NREL’s aquatic species program. It is being converted using the actual oil content of the algae species grown in the specific program.

There are various advantages of producing from algae, which include rapid growth of the plant. Using Algae Biodiesel gives high per acre yield. Algae biodiesel does not used to contain sulfur, toxic materials and it is highly biodegradable. There are some species, which are ideally suited for algae biodiesel production, because their high oil contents in some species.

Algae used to develop from small, singled celled organisms to cellular organisms, some algae have complex distinguished form. Algae can be easily seen at places like damp, bodies of water. Algae are common in terrestrial as well as aquatic environments. Like any other plants algae require three elements to spring up sunlight, carbon-di-oxide and water. Plant algae and some other bacteria convert sunlight to chemical , which process call as . Algae used to contain 2% and 40% of lipids or oils by weight. If algae have greater oil, it may results in lower yield annual food crops such as soybeans. Currently only 0.3% of the land of the US, it is getting utilized to produce enough biodiesel.

Species of algae with up to 50% oil content have conclude that only 28000km land getting used to produce biodiesel. Unused desert land could be used for effective growing of algae.

Following is the productions which obtained in an entire year. In the winter months algae productivity used to drop.

Metric Tons / Hectare/ Year

M. minutum alage 1989 35.8

M. minutum alage 1989 30.3

M. minutum alage 1990 38.3

Algae 1978 43.8

Sugarcane 79.2

Oil Palm 50

Arundo Donax 50

To cultivate Algae for Liquid Fuel production requires,

Gallons of Oil per Acre per year

Corn required 15

Safflower required 48

Sunflower required 83

Rapessed required 127

Oil Palm required

Micro Algae required 1850

Micro Algae required 5000-15000

Company, which produces Biodiesel from Algae

The Enhance Biofuels and generate algae process which combines a bioreactor with an open pond. Here both using waste co2 from coal fired power plant flue gases as a fertilizer. Biodiesel and ethanol can be used an alternative fuel and also it is being sold.

GreenFuel , where emissions to Biofuels process, which grows algae, it capture CO2 and it produce high biomass. The algae can be economically converted to solid fuel, methane or liquid transportation fuels like biodiesel and ethanol.

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