Things You Need To Know About Hay For Your Horses

Horses should be fed with the grass mostly. As we all know it is very hard to find fresh grass in winter. That is why horse owners all over the world get hay for their horses for winter season. As your horse will eat mostly hay during the winter you need to make sure it contains all vital nutrients and elements. Hay should be a healthy food for your horses and it should give them everything they need. You need to make sure your horses will be getting all required nutrients from hay. Otherwise they might develop serious health problems. It is very important to feed your horses properly especially during winter. They are not able to spend much time outside and they are not able to get minerals and vitamins from fresh grass.
At the same time is getting harder and harder to find high quality hay for our horses. Popular chemicals allow farmers to get more hay, but it is not always top quality hay. The bacteria in the soil get affected by all those chemicals which means the soil becomes poorer. It has less minerals and therefore the grass gets less minerals from it as well. There are natural fertilizers like composted manure and tea, molasses and so on. These fertilizers support the soil and help to rebuild damaged soil. No chemicals are needed if the soil is taken care of properly. Unfortunately, these types of fertilizers are more expensive and many farmers prefer to get chemical ones. At the same time organic farming allows to get highly nutritious crops which are healthy to consume for people and animals.
Not many horse owners think about the quality of hay they buy. That is why farmers do not want to move to organic farming and continue to use chemical fertilizers. I really encourage horse owners to insist on hay to be tested prior to purchasing it. Then farmers will try to provide high quality hay and organic farming will strengthen its positions. You should request a hay test from the grower or the hay supplier. Such a test may cost less that seventy five dollars. If your hay supplier does not want to test hay, just look around and find another one. Getting quality hay is very important for your horses. And it is definite worth some effort.
If you know that your hay does not include all vital nutrients for your horse, then you should get some additional feed. Digestive enzymes and probiotics are usually required for horses that do not get quality hay. You should consult your vet to find out what feed is the best for your horses and what additional vitamins or minerals your horse should be getting to stay healthy.

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