Understanding Energy Use Will Spur Efficiency Measures of AB 802

SACRAMENTO – Commission Commissioner Andrew McAllister issued the following statement today in regard to Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. signing AB 802, which will provide commercial building owners the information they need to evaluate usage and identify high-value efficiency projects. The new law directs the Commission to establish a statewide benchmarking and disclosure program, and enhances the Commission’s existing authority to collect data from utilities and other entities for the purposes of energy forecasting, planning and program design.

has set high goals to increase energy savings through short- and long-term energy efficiency measures. Effective solutions will be those that provide true value for commercial building owners and consumers. When these groups have access to their building’s energy use compared to similar structures, they are able to make informed decisions to improve performance. Assembly Bill 802, among other things, makes it much easier for building owners to access that usage information, benchmark the building, and identify the most attractive opportunities for investment.  Energy-related physical and operational improvements will add value to and increase occupant comfort of the state’s commercial and multifamily buildings, in the process activating a project-focused market that generates economic growth. I am excited that through passage of AB 802 is again leading by providing transparency to the marketplace and reducing barriers to action.”

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