During the early fifties solar energy was looked upon as an substitute to man made energy resources. Over some research it was found energy could be received at some cheaper source. With a constant figure of 20% – 25% demand growth year-by-year, the solar energy demand increases for last two decades. Solar energy is able to support household gadgets, lighting and water heaters. As of the moment, solar energy is more heavy priced but in the near future with the increase in scientific researches, it will bring down the costs and also increase its efficiency. Solar energy is to generate 2.5% of the world s energy use by 2025. Solar energy is the fastest growing technology.
There are some fundamental facts about solar energy that one needs to be presented to; solar energy is measured in kilowatt hours and 1 kilowatt=100 watts. One kilowatt hour is equal to the total of electrical energy which is wanted to burn 100 watt light bulb for approximately 10 hours. An average American household consumes 866 kilowatt hours per month. The Residential Energy use Survey conducted in 2001 shows that an annual energy bill was around $2000.
A reduction in unit costs has added towards an increase in growth rates and thereby making it an critical energy resource. Since 2000, solar energy has been expanding at an incredible rate of 40% per annum. Solar energy is going at a raising rate in the developing countries too as the use of fossil fuel has doubled over the years. When compared to solar energy which is inexhaustible, fossil fuel holds are lessening. As compared to expensive power grids, setting up solar energy gadgets is relatively easy. A disadvantage of fossil fuels is that the prices have risen together with the price of transporting coal, oil and gas.