5 Easy, Affordable Ways to Go Green

Pretty much everyone wants to save the environment. At least no one is out there advocating that we have a free-for-all with toxins and pollutants. The problem occurs from the choices we have to make: do it green or do it cheaply? Or more easily? I wrestle with that every time I grab a paper towel off the roll.

But going green doesn’t always have to mean going the more expensive, more difficult route. There are lots of little ways to start going green that will actually save you money in the long run. Some take only a few seconds, while others are projects you can work on over time.

1. Pull the Plug

Leaving appliances plugged into the wall increases both the cost of your electric bill and the possibility that a surge will destroy your electron-ics. Unplug small kitchen appliances from the wall after each use, instead of simply turning them off, and never leave your cell phone charger plugged in after you remove your phone from it. If you have your computer plugged into a strip, flip the switch on the strip to protect your computer while you are gone at work for the day. Making these small changes will protect your electronics from damage and produce savings on your bill.

2. Reduce Your Drive Time

Automakers are cashing in on people’s desire to be friendlier to the envi-ronment by manufacturing gas/electric hybrid cars. While they use less gas than many cars, the and resources that go into producing a hybrid often far outweigh the benefits unless you will be driving your new hybrid for many, many years. What’s more, according to Cargurus.com, “the purchase price and operating cost of 45 popular hybrid models is 25 percent greater than the cost to own and operate a gasoline-powered .”

Instead of spending your cash on a new ride, choose to drive your current less to save money on gas. Opt to carpool, ride public transportation, or walk to work instead of driving; even opting out of individual transportation one day a week can make a marked difference. As an added bonus, driving fewer miles can save you money on gas and insurance.

3. Plant a Tree

Planting trees in your yard can save you up to 20 percent on your heating and cooling bills, making trees a year-round friend to your wallet. Trees provide shade during the summer to cool your house naturally, and act as a wind break during the winter months to help keep you warmer inside your home when the cold wind blows. Trees also absorb carbon dioxide from the air and give off oxygen, making them an ally to the planet as well as your home. You can even take things a step further and plant large fruit trees or edible nut trees to provide a future source of free food.

4. Go Organic

Commercial pesticides and fertilizers have long been recognized as being bad for your health and the planet’s. Try making your garden an organic garden by building a compost bin in your backyard instead of purchasing dangerous chemicals from the store. Your compost bin can save you money on the price of the fertilizer by turning your kitchen and yard scraps into healthy compost. What’s more, eating healthier foods may increase those savings by keeping you out of the doctor’s office.

5. Live In a Garden Paradise

Learn about the natural power of certain flowers and take advantage of both their beauty and usefulness. Some flowers like lavender and hibiscus have medicinal properties, and marigolds are known to discourage pests while attracting beneficial insects. Many herbs are perennials that can keep your yard green while giving you a source of fresh spices. Add an organic vegetable garden and you’ve got a free supply of outdoor exercise and food.

In many cases, being greener is less expensive than damaging the environ-ment. Start with a few green money-saving tips and soon you’ll be on your way to becoming a true frugal protector of the environment!

Guest author Kevin Wiseman is concerned about the environment and prac-tices green living whenever he can. He is a freelance blogger for edrugstore.md a site where you can order medications as well as many green products online. For more information you can read some Edrugstore.md Expert Interviews or a Edrugstore.md review.

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