We Are Going Solar! Step by step

So we have advocated for for years but in all honesty we did not have the money to build and pay for a larger panel system on our house. We have used and worked with small to charge batteries and the like but the whole concept of replacing some or all of our electric draw from the utility had not been feasible.

But now due to a flexible and home owner friendly arrangement we have decide to go for it and install a electric system on the roof of our house in California. There is no shortage of sunshine in our location, the roof is unobstructed by shade, it faces south, and now best of all City has come out with a plan for getting homeowners into a system for little or no money down.

Solar City is running a new program called solar lease. Here is a bit of the blurb from their site that describes it:

At SolarCity we believe clean should be affordable. That’s why we created SolarLease, a way for homeowners to economically capture clean from the sun.

* Low Initial Payment
You can afford to go solar now without the high upfront cost.
* Save on Your Monthly Bills
With a SolarLease, you pay as you go, instead of all at once. Monthly lease payments are usually lower than what you are currently paying the utility company. So you can save money every month!

Not only that, but this savings can grow over time as utility rates continue to increase. That’s because utility rates have historically increased over 5% every year. With a SolarLease, you can lock in lower electricity rates for the term of your lease.

We have submitted the application for the lease and been accepted. Next step is to meet and begin the planning. We plan to document this whole process in both photo and video so we can show you how it is done and let you decide if you want to go solar too! Watch for it here or sign up for our free ebook over there on the left nav bar and you will be auto notified of new posts. <-----------

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