Right now in the United States, there is a huge push for people to use alternative fuels as opposed to gasoline. There are many reasons for this push. Generally, it's because alternative fuels are kinder to the environment and can help to combat the ever-growing problem of global warming.

What Are Alternative Fuels And How Do They Effect Our Enviroment?

Right now in the , there is a huge push for people to use alternative fuels as opposed to gasoline. There are many reasons for this push. Generally, it’s because alternative fuels are kinder to the environment and can help to combat the ever-growing problem of global warming.

The price of driving a is rising at an alarming rate. It has become very expensive to drive a , so people are looking out for ways to save money on their fuel.

Scientists are developing alternative fuels that can help not only the environment, but also the consumers checkbook. The new alternative fuels offer advantages in so many ways that people are really starting to take a look at these as an option over paying astronomical gasoline prices.

When consumers use alternative fuels both to gas up their as well as heat and cool their homes, they are helping the environment as well as helping themselves.

The toxins that are released into the air when we burn gasoline and other fuels have shown to contribute to global warming and before we know it, winter will be as warm as summer.

In the simplest form, an alternative fuel is one that is not produced by using crude oil. They are simply fuels that replace conventional gasoline as a means of powering vehicles. Alternative fuels have desirable efficiency and pollution reduction features. The 1990 Clean Air Act encourages development and sale of alternative fuels.

There are many different kinds of alternative fuels and the most prominent one as well as the one that has been around the longest is ethanol.

Ethanol is made from corn which is a great help to our farmers as well as to consumers and the environment. Ethanol is sometimes called grain alcohol. It can also be made from organic materials including agricultural crops and waste, plant material left from logging, and trash including paper.

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