What are The Varied Kinds of Solar Powered Systems?

As soon as you have produced your monocrystalline panels. You now need to connect them to a system that will allow you to either use, store or feed to the grid the electricity you have generated. You probably have a rough idea of what you want your finished system to look like, but plan very carefully. Know exactly how many watts of you need and how many watts of your panels are capable of producing.

Portable Generator

This is the simplest of all the systems. All you need is an inverter, charge controller, a battery and your PV solar panel.

The important thing here is that you can increase the capacity of the system very easily just by adding more solar panels. Solar panels supply electricity as Direct Current. Your appliances use an Alternating Current, so the inverter converts DC to AC.

You can store excess electricity in batteries, because once electricity is produced it has to be used, so use it or lose it! These aren’t ordinary batteries so make sure you source the correct ones.

Grid-Tied Solar Generator

Are you tied to the national grid? If so then this is a very good system to use. In this system, you do not use batteries, you feed all unused electricity back to your utility supplier network. By sending electricity to the national grid, you can earn money because your electricity supplier is now paying you instead of you paying them.

If you think about it, it is so easy and cheap to build a solar panel. It takes less than a day to manufacture a solar PV panel and in one year you can easily make 26 of them. This could turn it a very profitable income stream which will not only pay for all your bills but may also pay for all your household bills!

Grid Tied Generator + Battery bank

To cover all basis you may want a battery backup system integrated with you grid tied solar system. For example, if it is a cloudy day and you are using some DIY tools which demand a lot of electricity. The battery bank is a passive supply of electricity, which has been previously charged up with any unused electricity generated over the past couple of days.

Off-Grid Solar Generator

If you live in part of the world where you have no direct electricity to your home then having a battery bank may prove very beneficial. And by having a battery back-up you will not have wasted any power you may have generated and not used.

Batteries perform better when they are warm so it is wise to invest in a battery box and keep them in your garage. Not only does the battery box keep your batteries warm they also prevent them from being tampered by children or animals. If a dog weed on a battery it would do a lot of damage let alone what it might do to the dog!

Final thought, if you already have a generator, consider linking this to your system as this can charge your batteries should they get run down.

Different Types of Solar Powered Systems For the Home

  • without a battery backup
  • Off grid setup + generator + battery bank
  • Grid tied setup + battery bank
  • Portable pack
  • Off grid system

For more information about how to build a solar panel and in addition learn how to build a complete system for powering your home visit build a solar panel.

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One comment

  1. Before reading this blog I had n idea that we can have more kind of solar power systems.

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