global warming

What Can You Do To Slow Global Warming?

As people live their day-to-day lives, it is sometimes hard for them to understand how it might be possible for them to help prevent global warming. It is difficult to comprehend how one person might have any effect on the outcome of global warming. When faced with such a huge issue, many people decide there is really nothing they can do. They choose to ignore the problem altogether.

It is important to remember that large problems are not usually solved with one big solution. When you want to accomplish something great, it is usually done by taking a number of smaller steps. In the same way, many small actions can contribute to lessening global warming.

What Small Things can You do to Slow Global Warming 

In order to contribute to the global warming solution, what are some small things that you can do to help?


The first thing you can do is become educated on the issue. Reading about global warming and visiting other educational resource sites from reputable scientific sources like NASA are great ways to get started. Global warming and are controversial topics for many people. Understanding a problem is often one of the first steps to solving it.


Transportation is one of the major sources of climate-polluting emissions. When you can, walk, bike, or use public transportation. Realistically, depending on where they live, some people don’t have these options. If you do need to use your , try to do so responsibly. Considering if you can do two trips in one, choosing the most efficient route, and keeping your well maintained are all small ways that you can make a difference.  


What does water have to do with global warming? is used when water is heated, treated, or pumped. In order to save , the National Resources Defence Council recommends a switch to low-flow fixtures and appliances. Further, take shorter showers and turn the tap off when you brush your teeth.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Not only will doing this help the environment, but it can also help to save money. Thinking back to how our grandparents lived, they didn’t just go out and buy a new item when it broke, they would first try to fix it. If you do buy a new appliance or item, think about your purchase. Is it efficient? Is it recyclable?

Be Present

Busy modern life has led people to operate on “-pilot”. Sometimes people move through life without considering simple actions. However, as they brush their teeth, eat lunch, or use electricity, they are making choices all the time. When people stop to consider what they are doing on a deeper level, they can make choices that can help make a difference. 

Do you turn off lights as you exit a room? Do you consider if a package is recyclable when you buy an item? Do you keep reusable grocery bags in the care? Even these small actions can add up.

The truth is, it will take much more than the efforts of any single individual to curb global warming. However, doing something is almost always better than doing nothing. There are actions that can be taken today to ease the burden of future generations. 


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