What is Ethanol Fuel and How Ethanol Fuel Works – Environment Friendly Fuel

Sanjay Kak asked:

One of the alternative fuel sought for oil or gasoline is Ethanol fuel . Any feed stock, which is based on carbon and after going through conversion process gives Ethanol. There is long list of carbon based items, such as , corn, sugar cane, switch grass etc. The Ethanol fuel came in picture as clean alternate fuel and is environment friendly.

Currently Ethanol fuel is used as blend mixture with gasoline and is common at pump station across north America. It is also being used as oxygenate additive for gasoline and replacement for MTBE ingredient. The MTBE is a fuel compound which is responsible of contamination of ground water. Many states in America have put ban on use of MTBE and is being replaced by Ethanol.

Advantages of Ethanol fuel

The Ethanol fuel is a renewable, safe fuel and it can be used in cars with few modifications in engine. Since crops such as corn, maize and sugar beats are used in making Ethanol fuel, it provides stable market to farmer community. This can be developed in any country without dependence on oil producing nations. The fuel is environment friendly.
Disadvantage of Ethanol Fuel

The cost of producing Ethanol as fuel is high, more research is needed in this regard. Although research is underway, the Ethanol fuel burns more for same distance as oppose to gasoline. Since Ethanol fuel is based on crops, vast land is needed to cultivate the crops and it puts pressure on other crops which are needed by humans for daily consumption. The waste product from is toxic

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