Alternative Energy HQ

What is the going rate when buying a green horse?

Going Green1
armagowolf asked:

I would like to know what the normal going cost of a green horse is. She is a registerd QH, going to be three soon. The most handleing she has had is I think one tie lesson and some leading and grooming.
Its my nighbor that is selling her, he said to make an offer. I was looking for more of a price estimate, so that I could at least give him a fare offer for her. If I do buy her I will be training her my self.
She is a registered Bay QH, and will be three soon. She hasn’t had much handleing, just some grooming, leading and one tie lesson as far as I know. I don’t know her breeding lines, all I know is that her mom was a black QH, and is very sweet.
She seems to be very healthy, she runs around her pasture and likes to play with the cows, I believe she will be a good cutting prospect.

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