There is this very intriguing post over at One Block Off The Grid that discusses what and who it will take to get solar power adoption off the burner and mainstreamed in the USA.

What Will It Take For Solar To Go Mainstream?

There is this very intriguing post over at One Block Off The Grid that discusses what and who it will take to get solar adoption off the burner and mainstreamed in the USA. They postulate that it will take a personality like Sarah Palin to endorse it before it happens. All the big name green celebs will only be preaching to the choir so to speak. I find this notion quite interesting. Now I would rather see some other name step up but I think you should read this post and comment below.

What the $%& does Sarah Palin have to do with this?

She’s the perfect example of the “game changer” crew of champions. I mean, how did solar become 100% stuck in the liberal and greenie bucket?

Let’s look at her political stance and how solar speaks to them:
# We should not reward poor financial decisions. (Sep 2008). House flipping and predatory lending put us in a bad spot. What about instead investing in your home for years by improving it with something that saves you money on your bills? It’s forced savings, it’s frugal and it’s the most stable, low-risk investment out there (solar panels are essentially made of sand. They’re silicon. They don’t break. There are panels that were installed in the 1960’s that are still pumping out money).

They make an interesting case. What do you think? Comment below and let me know your thoughts.

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