Alternative Energy HQ

Why You Should Think About Buying a Hybrid

It’s quite clear that the future of cars lies in hybrid vehicles. With gas prices constantly on the rise and a desire (some would say desperate need) to cut down on pollution and improve air quality, hybrid vehicles are definitely the way to go. Unfortunately, hybrid vehicles have not been completely perfected yet. Although there are some hybrid vehicles on the market, most notably the Toyota Prius, these vehicles don’t always function as well as they could and are often more expensive than a non hybrid car. You shouldn’t let that stop you though – here are some really good reasons why you should think about buying a hybrid.

Whatever your stance is on global warming, it’s clear that too much CO2 is not a good thing. Congress agrees with this, and has been pushing auto companies to look into alternatives to fossil fuels much to the dismay of the oil industry. Hybrid vehicles are very effective at cutting down on CO2 emissions, whether it be because of using an alternative fuel or running on electricity.

Another factor to consider when thinking about buying a hybrid is the fact that urbanization is on the rise. In the 21st century, more than half of the world’s population lives in cities or other urban environments. In such highly concentrated urban areas, pollution is of a special concern. With so much pollution in such a small area, the air quality is drastically decreased. The same amount of pollution over a much larger area will still result in reduced air quality, but since it’s over a bigger area, it’s not as bad. Bad air quality is urban areas may not noticeably affect people with normal lungs, but it impacts those with asthma, people who have lung problems and young children whose lungs are still developing.

When someone tells you that using a hybrid will help save the world, it’s hard to see the results of that. But if everyone switched to hybrid cars within one city, it would be far easier to see the improvements within the population. Another lesser known fact is that hybrid cars tend to be lighter, and thus are gentler on roads and terrain. If everyone switched to hybrid cars, roads would probably require less maintenance because the hybrid cars would cause less wear and tear.

Even if you have to shell out some extra money in order to purchase a hybrid car, it can be worthwhile in the long run. If you buy a fuel-efficient hybrid vehicle, you can expect to recoup the loss you incurred within just a few years. The government has an interest in promoting hybrid cars; so oftentimes it offers things like incentives, tax deductions, special warranty provisions and other advantages like getting to drive in the High Occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane in order to get you to buy a hybrid.

This post was compiled by Ryan Embly from the car rental website If you need a cheap hybrid rental then visit their website today.

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