Alternative Energy HQ

Zero Point Energy – Generating Free Electricity To Power Your House

Zero Point Energy has been known to be the lowest possible energy level that a device can contain. It is the ground state or the natural state of all things. Within a perfect recovery system, the energy above this zero-point level is being returned to commence useful work either within the system or for use in another system.

Many scientists believed that the entire universe is a natural energy source. They believe that zero point energy does exist in every molecule and every inch of the universe including the vacuum of space. They believed that energy that holds electrons in orbit around atoms and the energy that creates molecular bonds of atoms in elements and compounds can be directed or redirected for use as an energy source. Energy waves that are present in the vacuum of space can be tapped as a viable energy source.

Atomic energy is one example that supports the theory of zero point energy however many believe that atomic energy is only the very start of such device. Many of us have heard of the claims of cold fusion and the relatively new science of magneto hydrodynamics where magnetically charged fluids are used to create a type of magnetic power generator.

There is work being done on electric generators that use motors which incorporate extremely strong permanent magnets to increase the efficiency of an permanent magnetic generator to a point seemingly beyond unity, where the energy output appears greater than the energy input. Some of these theories and claims seem to defy the laws of physics and many scientists are skeptical about such claims. There are some who claimed that such new technologies are being suppressed by science and economic consortium that fears this device will change the economic and scientific balance of power.

Many of these new devices can someday become reality and replace our dependence on fossil fuels, however long before any of that can happen, we need to develop ways to conserve and recover the energy we currently use.

It may be true that some of these new devices can be employed to hybrid with the current common fuels to increase the efficiency of our current systems.

One good example that supports this analysis is the work being done in order to extract the hydrogen gas from water. There are quite a few sayings in regards to this example. That more energy is required to separate the hydrogen from the water than the usable energy it generates. If standard electrolysis is used, there is certainly a huge loss and the energy output is only a small fraction of the energy input making the process a total net loss but recent experiments with pulse frequency electrolysis are generating much greater yields of hydrogen gas. While this generation of hydrogen gas may never approach 100% efficiency it may create sufficient hydrogen gas to make feasible the creation of hybrid machines that increase the miles per gallon of our gasoline burning internal combustion engines to a point way beyond our current minimum mileage standards.

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